The boyfriend is watching Changeling and he is 95% distracting me as I write this blog. Something about Angelina Jolie and crooked LAPD gets him going. ;) I am sitting here, nurturing the lingering metal taste in my mouth with ice chips - UGH, sooo gross. Anyway, first things first - chemosification #5 on Thursday! Can you believe it? We're at #5 already!! I am -almost- excited... NOT!! I think the only thing that gets me going is the fact that there is only one more left and after this chemosification I can finally go back to living my normal life! I may even go to Vegas to celebrate!
So for the past few weeks I have been running a list in my head of things I would want to accomplish after chemo. You may call them my AC Resolutions since I think its gonna require a lot of work but there are reasons for all of them...
1. Lose weight! I gained about 15 lbs after I started chemo and I am tired of making excuses. I guess half of it could have been the chemo's fault (steriods, etc etc) but I think Id like to place the blame on the large chili cheese fries plate I eat every 3 weeks... or that I stopped exercising... or that my only consolation after chemo has kicked my ass would be ice cream and froyo. I wanna lose the 15 lbs by December so I could look stunning in a evening dress for my company's Christmas party and not be as huge as the Christmas tree...
2. Eat Healthy! I have been reading a lot of cancer books and for some reason a lot of them say that there is something about eating right that helps with recurrence. Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor talked about eating vegan because raw, organic shizz are supposed to kill the cancer cells. Something about organic eating... so maybe Im gonna try being vegan. Its gonna be hard because I love me my poultry but boy, do I hate me some cancer...
3. Grow some fuzz! I cant wait until my hair grows out. I dont even care if it grows out awkward and I look like a Chia pet for a couple months. And then I hope it grows out fast and not nappy. I also hope that my eyelashes grow back longer. And my eyebrows dont grow anymore because after I got it waxed 2 weeks after my first chemo, they never grew back! So they are still perfectly shaped for the past 2 months and I'd like to keep it this way. Saves me $11 every 2 weeks! (This one sounds like something I should ask Santa...)
4. Go to the dentist regularly! OK, i am guilty - I have been ditching the dentist for the past couple few years and I am aware how "unhealthy" they are. Well, chemo made it worse x20. My gums hurt and so did my teeth. There are days I feel like they may fall off but of course, its just the chemo...
(Quick break to let y'all know boyfriend has started tearing up... shifting uncomfortably on the couch after I pointed it out... he is looking for the remote... LOL men are funny!)
5. Go back to school! One thing cancer has pursued me to do is go back to school. For some reason, pre-cancer I have been flopping around with the thought of school and there is nothing like a good dose of "life IS short" reality to bring you back to your priorities. I stopped going to school full time when I got an office job in 2005. When i moved out of my parents, I had to figure out how to live my life and it required devoting myself to making money and paying my bills. I'm not really sure what I want to do yet... I am again flopping around with ideas but at least I have some options now...
6. Being active in getting the word out about Breast Cancer! Y'know what - a lot of people are clueless about breast cancer. They're clueless about the treatments, how to get help and worse, where to start. I would really, really like to help by starting on getting myself educated (reading a lot of books, going to BC workshops, speaking to fellow survivors) and then educate others. I am hoping one day I get to help those in 3rd world countries - the ones who can't afford getting a mammogram, let alone go to the doctors. I wanna be proactive and help... like those who helped me!
7. Find Robert Pattinson and marry him! After everything is done, of course... ;)
As I come across more resolutions or fulfill them over the next few months/years (I am lazy busy and there is no resolution for that yet), Im going to update this entry. I love this post because it gives me a sense of direction... feels like I can almost see the light at the end of this chemo tunnel... I cant wait!!! :)
I love your resolutions. Especially the marrying of Robert Pattinson!
Since October is Breast Cancer awareness month, I am looking to raise awareness and money for this great cause. I have found numerous etsy shops that are willing to donate prizes as giveaways during the month to get more people to come to my blog and donate.
I will be putting links in my sidebar that will allow visitors to donate to Susan G Komen and hopefully to Keep a Breast.
I am looking to have some guest bloggers leave posts about their own interaction with this disease. Whether it's about surviving, losing a loved one, hair loss, testing, being related to someone with bc, informational, poems, etc. Anything breast cancer related. It can even be a copy of a post that you have already posted on your blog.
If you can be of help or know someone that can, please pass this email on to them.
My mom is a breast cancer survivor which is why I have gotten involved with this charity.
Please let me know if you can be a guest blogger on my blog in October asap so that I can get a schedule going.
Thank you so much!
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