Friday, April 24, 2009

saving my tatas :)

Hello all! Sorry, things have been quite hectic this week so I haven't had much time to write. Anyway, here's how this week went and what Im looking forward to in the next couple of weeks:

Went to the see a plastic surgeon on Tuesday due to a referral. He said I pretty much broke the record of his youngest breast canceer patient yet. Anyway, reason I went to see him was that I was bugged by the whole mastectomy option. In case the question resurfaced again, I wanted to be ready. Anyway, he was playing 101 questions with me - he should have just read the rest of my tests and it would have saved me an hour and a half! Nothing was done, he wasn't very helpful so we left...

Went to see my oncologist on Wednesday. I like her but I hate seeing her!! She is not positive and very realistic and everytime I see her, she makes me cry LOL... she turns my emotions out because she's very harsh about the reality of cancer that it seriously worries me... she kept asking me about my decision and by the time we were done, I considered mastectomy as the best way to deal with this...

She also had I have a fatty liver and required that I go on a diet and lose some weight because I could later on get a fatty liver disease... so I am actually trying to eat healthy and started eating veggies and stuff :)

Anyway, i talked to the new surgeon on Thursday and she convinced me that the survival rates between mastectomy and lumpectomy w/ radiation are the same and the only thing they are worried about are my lymph nodes, which are dealt with by chemo. So we are staying with lumpectomy and my surgery is on Monday.

Wish me luck!

Anyway, guess what I use as a great way of dealing with this... so anytime I get sad, i turn to Edward Cullen :) HAHA. I feel like Im 14 but he is so hot. ;)

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