Thursday, April 30, 2009

im alive!!

In the infamous words of Mike Newton from Twilight, "IM ALIVE!!" (OK, so his words were towards Bella, and he said "Youre alive!!" and it was in the movie but you all know what I'm getting at...) Anyway...

Yes, i am alive!! My surgery went well and I am back to normal. I went in on Monday morning and I wish I could have recorded everything for you guys to see. It was pretty funny! My boyfriend is hilarious - he is the worst hospital company ever and I would never take him again! LOL He almost passed out after the nurse put the IV on me - and he didn't even look! We had to send him out for coffee or else it would have been him on the gurney... It was super quick. I went in the operating room at 12 and woke up by 3:50ish. They said it lasted about 2 hours... I was pretty much in and out of sleep so I could barely remember all those that visited me. They had me on morphine for a whole damn day!! I -hated- that so much! On Tuesday, I asked my surgeon to get me off of morphine - I wasn't in pain and I hated fighting the drowsiness - just let me be awake!

I have had no pain at all, just discomfort. They took out the right lump (he will not be missed!) and some lymph nodes. Doctor said that I would feel numbness under my arms and he is right... my arms feel hot sometimes and when I try to tap it, I feel nothing. He said it may come back but sometimes it doesnt... oh well! I'm not bugged by it, i never used it before so I dont care for it now! The drain is weird. Im pretty grossed out by it sometimes so hopefully they take it out on Monday at the post-op.

I am so overwhelmed by the amount of people that support and care about me! My big table is full of flowers, books and balloons and I have been embraced with love and support - I am humbled by everybody that prays and thinks of me - thank you all VERY, very much.

Anyway, the only thing that is killing me is boredom. I have been bumming around at home watching Sex in the City, Twilight, Millionaire Matchmaker and pretty much most of Bravo and VH1 reality TV. But tomorrow is a new day so Im going to start a new schedule that includes learning Chinese and reading a bunch of anti-cancer books. I will post my reviews, hopefully everyday, to let you guys in on some what-to/what-not-to do cancer-related stuff.

I am waiting for him to get out of the shower so we can watch Changeling with A. Jolie. Im very excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I just stumbled across your blog and read your last entry about the surgery and such. Congratulations on pulling through and being a strong woman! I know times may be tough right now but keep your chin up chica!