Monday, August 10, 2009

Best reaction to Cancer

I wanna share with you all a story I am almost embarrassed to say. As you all know, I have been whining about taking steroids and the effect on chemo on my eating habits. First week after a chemosification, I pretty much do not eat anything due to the lack of appetite and the constant reminder of nausea. Second week, I gorge myself on hawaiian food because that is the only thing I can taste. Third week, i pretty much can eat everything. Then there is my "last supper" which is the day before chemo. My last supper 2 weeks ago consisted of turkey legs, frog legs, chocolate covered bacon and deep fried oreos. I think Jesus would have been jealous cause he only had wine and bread at his last supper.

Anyway, I have also been catching up with a lot of people that I haven't talked to in years. Cancer, for some reason, has forced me to mend some bridges that were burnt blockaded and those who I just have lost touch with over the years. It feels nice reconnecting with everybody, except everyone seems to already know about the big BC. I don't really care if anyone knew about my disease except for some reason, there is just some people that do not NEED to know. The reactions i get are priceless though -

1. "Dude, you got this. You can totally beat this cancer's ass." (Love the enthusiasm. I dont ever know what to say cept - OK ill try...)

2. "Man I feel bad everytime I hear these side effects you're going thru..." (I am sorry for telling you, I will never tell you again, block my blog! We both don't need to be feeling bad, y'know.. )

3. "I wish I knew what you're going thru..." (Um hi, love the sympathy but NO YOU DONT. Wouldnt want to wish this on anybody!)

4. "Dont worry, 3 more treatments left!" (You mean 3 more months....)

So anyway, the other day, I was chatting with a friend who I haven't talked to in years. For some reason, the big BC news got to her and I started giving her the rundown. Told her my surgery details. Told her the side effects of chemo in short version - "Sista, I am now bald and fat."

To which she replies, "Wow, you are the first person I ever heard that got fat on chemo."


1 comment:

sally kelley said...

I found your blog one afternoon as I was laying around "digesting" the bags of chemo I had received the day before. I am sorry that you have to experience this nasty disease at all...but especially as such a young person. This is not the type of cocktail you should be enjoying.

Having said that, you are a great writer and have really touched me with your posts. But the one I read today took the cake and had me rolling in the aisles. I loved the comment about how you are the first person I ever heard of to get fat on chemo. Priceless. A little more salt for the wounds please....

Thanks for sharing yourself with the rest of us. You seem to be getting every chemo side effect known to (wo)man. I think that is the worst part...all those little added pains.

I have had this disease before and I just want to tell you that you WILL have your life back. You WILL party and laugh and have energy, strength and hair again. I know it doesn't always seem so but it will happen and then you will always remember that its great to feel great.

Thank you! You are in my thoughts and prayers.