Friday, June 5, 2009

Quickie before I sleepie!

Writing this on the quickness because I am so tired and sleepy!

Had a full day at the doctors today. Went to see a new obgyn who is checking into my "Cysts" - turns out the right cyst is gone but the left one is still there. He said that it should be ok with my chemo treatments. The options he had:

1. If it was small, we can keep tracking the cyst every few weeks and wait it out
2. If it was big, surgery time!

After that, I went to see Gloria and she said that I should start next week since all these "cysts" have been answered for. However, my port *may be* infected! :( That is the worst news ever, I kept this PFH (port from hell) clean and away from all things bacteriafied!

Its actually a lot more purple than that :( But they did give me antibiotics for 10 days. If it doesnt go away, theyre going to have to remove and reinstall it. UGH!!! Worst news since I found out I had cancer! :( So until it clears up, they are going to have to use my arm for the IV. Oh well, right!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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