Oh sweet Lord, am I in pain!
So who knew that this chemo port came from the pits of hell and would hurt THIS much? This sucks. My lumpectomy was nothing compared to this. NOTHING. I am in sooo much pain! My skin is on fire and I cant move my neck!
Pros of getting this port:
1. I have absolutely no vein on my left arm and this would make it easier every time they need to draw blood and give me my chemo treatments. (Twilight side note: The nurse who prepped me found the only good vein I had and she noticed that its starting to bruise. Yes, thats the one everybody likes to use - so guess what she said? "You gotta protect this vein. Don't let the vampires get it." - Major LOL in my head, I am such a dork I swear this made my day)
2. I can go back to my daily routine as soon as the bandages come off - swimming, showering, etc.
3. Its not a catheter.
So after she prepped me, she sedated me and the doctor started his procedure. He injected all those numbing medications thru all my neck veins and he worked his ass off getting that port in. It lasted about an hour. I could have sworn they stabbed my neck with a pen because I cant move it at all. See that little white square on the bottom of my neck? That little bugger is keeping my neck from turning! And under that is a huge gauze that is protecting this !@$%$ port - how can a quarter-sized, plastic-made tool hurt me soooo much?? Sheesh...
Oh, and I cant get it wet. And i can't shower until they take it off, which is a week from now. Back to sponge baths again, which I cannot express how much I loathe because no matter how much you try to convince yourself that you're clean they're just not good enough!
The only clothing that could cover these bandages for the next week are turtlenecks. Damn this cancer for cramping my totally awesome style. First, no sleeveless. Now, no neck.
Goodnight, its time to take my vicodin!! AHH..
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