Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Hair in Progress

Can we all pretend its still Dec. 31 and Im still writing my New Year's resolution (which is to write in this blog a little bit more than once every 4 months?) I can't believe how fast time flies, especially when you're not in chemo and bed-bound. It has been more than 4 months and if you haven't heard from me, its probably because I have been so busy catching up with the 2009 I lost. Radiation is well and done with. I'm more than halfway done with the herceptin and about 4 more years to go on the tamoxifen (but who's counting?). But you know what's been so marvelously awesomeface? My freakin hair is actually growing back.

This is how I measure how looooong time ago chemo has been...

Barely growing back Nov. 29... oh yes, that was a big bag of Doritos... but not mine! ;)

Gettin some fuzz! Oh that is my new apartment... Dec. 2009

This picture is ewww but Im trying to prove a point eventhough you can't really see my hair... January 6, 2010... and if you can guess where I was then i will personally hand deliver a box of delicious Girl's Scout cookies I've been hiding from the boyfriend...

Vegas! (hint.) with my lover aka the Sanch... we always celebrate V-day in Vegas! the most romantic place on earth... Feb 2010... (awkward. We look like brothers except im cuter!)

And are you ready to see what it looks like in March???


LOL OK SYKE. That's me and Tina, my wig. My awesome co-workers have decided to name it Tina because it looks like Tina Turner's hair.

Anyway, its still growing. It jumped from bald to fuzzy to awkward Asian boy face to helmet head to almost cute pixie cut. It's becoming so unmanageable! I actually have to brush it now and shampoo it...

Well, i hope you're glad to see I'm alive and kickin'. Hope this post fills you with some kind of warmness and sentiment that dead follicles can come back to life again and there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. The next post won't be soooo celebrating... so hope you get your fill on this one.

Love, Cathy...


Kristin said...

I'm so happy to see it is growing in and you seem to be doing well... You are awesome girl!!!

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Cancer Support Community said...

Hey Cathy. Glad to see you're feeling a little more normal lately. Wanted to send you to a site where you (or anyone else really!) can share your tips and advice on the breast cancer experience by joining a national movement of breast cancer survivors. Go to to find out more

plastic injection molding wi said...

I love your hair.Thanks for this post.This will be an inspiration to other people.

wireless nurse call said...

Oh your so cute.Such a strong woman.

wireles emergency call system said...

your hair is growing.Nice wig!

Unknown said...

Hey there. If you have a moment, I'd like you to take a look at a project I am the designer for. It's a t-shirt I designed to raise money for my co-worker's "Race for the Cure" team. It's really taken off and people love it. Trying to get the word out.

Check me out at



easycash said...

Cancer Diet - Minerals

A cancer diet needs a good balance of minerals because minerals are needed by all cells for proper function. Patients are often found to be mineral deficient, so this is an area of the diet that needs particular attention.

There are two classes of minerals. Macrominerals, such as the well known calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus, and microminerals, such as boron, chromium, copper, iron, iodine, germanium, sulfur, silicon, vanadium, zinc, manganese and molybdenum.

The good news is we will get most of the minerals we need, provided we are eating a diet based on a wide variety of fruits and veggies, with the addition of nuts, seeds and grains.

chk my link:

Shira said...

i am also in my twenties and fighting breast cancer right now and its nice to read your blog to remind me to stay strong. you are a true fighter!

feel free to check out my blog:

Vera said...

Please vote for Breast Health and Healing in the PUMA Project Pink contest! You won't regret it! This foundation is devoted to finding out the root causes of breast cancer and to creating the breast cancer vaccine. We need to make breast cancer a thing of the past.

Vera said...

Please vote for Breast Health and Healing in the PUMA Project Pink contest! You won't regret it! This foundation is devoted to finding out the root causes of breast cancer and to creating the breast cancer vaccine. We need to make breast cancer a thing of the past.

Unknown said...


My name is Tina. I am looking for some women to spotlight during the month of October. I have a blog called Little Tots Big Ideas. I lost my sister to breast cancer at 37. It is a cause close to my heart. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, I want to spotlight a different woman every week. Please check out my blog at www.littletotsbigideas.blogspot.comYou can access my cancer posts by googling on the right side bar. If you are interested please contact me at

I hope to hear from you. Thank you for your time.


dr.gregory b. harris said...

I noticed your blog and I feel I can help you out. I'm a doctor who treats cancer naturally. My medicine is food not drugs or radiation. Did any of your doctors address food as a cause or treatment? I have a new website up (still a work in progress) if you and your family are interested in seeing what we have to offer. This is not meant as spam, just an honest attempt to help. thank you for your time, dr.gbh

Dennis Pyritz, RN said...

I just found your blog. As a fellow cancer survivor, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Also...Great Blog! You are a credit to the cancer blogging community. I have added you to my blogroll, “Cancer Blogs” with over 1000 other personal cancer blogs at, a cancer networking site featuring a cancer book club, guest blogs, cancer resources, reviews and more.
If you have not visited before or recently, please stop by. If you agree that the site is a worthwhile resource for those affected by cancer, please consider adding Being Cancer Network to your own blogroll.
Now that you are listed, you can expect to gain a wider audience for your thoughts and experiences. Being Cancer Network is a place to share and communicate.
And like bloggers everywhere, I love receiving your comments and ideas.

Take care, Dennis (

Baton Rouge Kids Fighting Cancer said...

I was skimming through other blogs and yours caught my attention. I thought you might be interested to see what our school is doing to help fight breast cancer. We have raised over $10,000 in the past 3 weeks and 80% of our students are considered in poverty. It's a very inspirational story that might help peoples spirits.

Best wishes,
Michelle Perk (The teacher)

Vera said...

Who or what corporation gave the Susan G. Komen For The Cure Foundation a $43 million dollar donation in 2008?

Katerina Papadopoulos said...

I noticed your blog while surfing for other cancer blogs.

My girl T goes in for surgery on March 2nd (4 days from now) sooooo scared. I worked in a cancer lab for 10 years and know enough to make me crazy scared.

She's tough...but the chemo and crazy side effects like neuropathy have taken their toll. Trying to stay strong for her, but starting to break, if you know what I mean.

Her Cancer had already spread to liver and lungs and lymph nodes, but have all disapeared with chemo except for the lump in the breast and lymph nodes under one arm. Surgery and radiation for those to come


PS - Will you help me get 1 mil. Twitter Followers before March 18th? (T's 45th birthday) Our Twitter Profile is at .

If you want you can read my blog at'd actually love to hear any comments you might have.

Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition said...

Join the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition's 1 mile competitive swim, 1 mile recreational swim, 2 mile kayak, 3 mile walk, 5K fun run. Participate in 1,2 or 3, of the 5 events to support breast cancer prevention. Visit: or call 1-800-649-6222.

Mastectomy Products said...

Thanks so much for documenting your personal battle. Great to see you still have a positive outlook! Thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and friends :)

Bobby Blackwell said...

You spread so much positivity, thank you for showing everyone that there is still light despite having cancer. My prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cathy,

It's Tania Katan here, author of My One Night Stand With Cancer. I was 21 years old dealing with cancer too, just remember you ARE kicking ass, sister, keep on writing people need to hear it! Check out my recent talk about what it means to be a Survivor: