Last night I went out with my girls. My bff Laura was in town for the weekend and we haven't seen her in months. We went bowling and had some drinks (correction: they did - I vowed to stop drinking after chemo). Then it was 12ish and they decided to go to the bar inside the bowling alley. My friend asks if its fine since I don't drink but I don't really need alcohol to have a good time so I don't decline. I get to the door and this security guy says, "ID please." So I pull it out and I hand it to him.
He looks at me. Then looks back at my ID.
Then he looks at me again. Then back at my ID.
Just silence for the next minute or so until I finally realize what is going on.
"Thats me."
"No it isn't."
"Im pretty sure it is."
He does this condescending grunt. "Huh. Thats not you."
So I laugh nervously and I tell him its me. He says no one more time and I knew my chances of getting in all depends on how good I could convince this MF that I am the same person.
"Do you really want to know why I don't look like that?" He grunts one more time as he waited for my answer.
"I have cancer. I don't have hair." I was about to keep going until I saw that these few words drained the blood from his face as he grabbed the wristband to put it on me. "Don't feel bad," I tried to comfort him.
However, I wish I would have saved the comforting for me. I felt like shit. I was so embarrassed that it took all my courage to stay. I should have gone straight home. My night was ruined and the incident kept playing in my head. I was a little miffed with the security guy, considering he didn't card the rest of my friends and the one time he actually does his job, he gets this trickery from some cancer chick.
I'm over this incident, though. I mostly miffed at myself. I feel like no matter how hard I try to make excuses for myself, I caused this. I am bald. My eyebrows are patchy and my already thin eyelashes are disappearing. I am also 30 lbs overweight - the fattest I have been in my life. Nothing fits me right. I also look tired most of the time, I have lost the will to put on makeup because there are no good results even when I try. I am forced to wear a sleeve that looks like a prosthetic arm.
But I could have been a really hot bald chick. I shouldn't have eaten all those fries. Should have not made excuses for all the junk I ate during chemo. Should not have had those "last suppers" and acted like a hungry, starving child. I also should have kept putting on makeup. Should not have been lazy and used feeling like crap as an excuse to look like crap. Should have kept doing my exercises so my arm doesn't blow up like a balloon.
So now, Im being proactive because chemo is done and I was humiliated beyond belief.
Step 1: I joined a gym and vowed to lose the post chemo weight by December. (If not all, then some.)
Step 2: I am eating healthy. I can eat raw veggies again. No more fries! No more pizza!
Step 3: Put on concealer so I won't look tired all the time. (Im really scared of the eyelash curler pulling out the remaining lashes I have.)
Step 4: Pray to the Lord that my hair grows as fast as possible. Please.
I miss you, old self. Come back soon.